About Me

Welcome Hello and welcome to my personal website! I’m Hoël. I was born in Paris, France and raised in Durham, North Carolina. Half of my family is from Bretagne, the other from Nebraska, making for a wonderfully unique upbringing. I currently live in Baltimore with my partner Sarah and our cat Daouda. This website is an ongoing project to both learn about web development and chronicle bits of my life in a blog....

All Press

A collection of articles, writings, publications, and projects I’ve been involved in over the years. NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs Michael Kuser, RTO Insider Duke student shares Energy Data Analytics Lab research with North Carolina legislators Duke Energy Initiative Assessing Land Availability for Utility Solar in North Carolina Using GIS Eric Brawner, Yifu Wang, Janesha Hassaram, Hoël Wiesner Aerial imagery object identification dataset for building and road detection, and building height estimation...